When you need to apostille a Rhode Island death certificate, you will need to make sure to have a certified copy of the vital record beforehand. If you need to order one, your best bet is to go through the Rhode Island Department of Health. Here's what their website says about obtaining one:
Birth, death, and marriage records are vital records, and vital records are confidential. Only people with a direct and tangible interest in the records can get copies. Copies of your records can only be made for:
Your mother, father, sibling, guardian, or authorized agent;
Attorneys-at-law, title examiners, or members of legally incorporated genealogical societies conducting official duties;
A person who needs information to determine or protect personal or property rights;
A person with a court order instructing the registrar to provide the document.
Firms, agencies, or individuals requesting information for commercial purposes are not considered to have direct and tangible interest. It is illegal to inspect or disclose information contained in vital records, to copy, or issue a copy of all or part of any vital record except as authorized above. Anyone who uses false statements to get a vital record may be fined up to $1,000, imprisoned for up to a year, or both.
How to get copies of birth, death, or marriage records
Online or by Phone Vital Chek is a company that issues certified copies of records for births, deaths, or marriages that happened in Rhode Island. Vital Chek is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and can be reached at 888-388-1032. Cost: $35 per record; There is an additional fee for rush orders. Payment: debit card, credit card, or check. Proof of Identification: Vital Chek will ask certain questions to verify a requestor's identity. If there is a question of identity, follow-up information will be required to be submitted.
In person Rhode Island Department of Health's (RIDOH) Center for Vital Records or any city or town clerk's office Cost: $22 for the first copy, $18 for each extra copy purchased the same day To search for a record, one name and one record for two consecutive years is free. Each additional year to search is $2. Rush orders are an extra $7. Payment: Cash, checks, or money orders are accepted at RIDOH's Center for Vital Records. Checks or money orders should be made out to the General Treasurer, State of Rhode Island. Check with the city or town clerk's office to ask what payments they accept. Time to process: It will take one to two weeks to process your request and mail your certified copy to you. Rush requests will be processed within five business days after receipt of request. Identification You must provide a valid, government-issued photo identification to prove you are entitled to make the request. Acceptable documents include: driver's license, passport, military identification, certificate of naturalization, or alien registration card. If you do not have government-issued photo identification, you may submit two other documents that have your name and current address (utility bill, bank statement, car registration, copy of income tax return).
By Mail
Cost: $25 for first copy; $18 for each extra copy purchased the same day
Payment: Check or money order only. Do not send cash.
Identification readable copy of identification as described for in person applications is required and will not be returned to you. If you submit an application or request without identification, it will not be processed and it will be returned to you.
If you do not sent an application form with your request for a certified copy of a vital record, you must include the following information with your request:
Name on the birth, death, marriage, or civil union record;
Date and city/town where the event occurred;
Relationship to the person named on the record;
Why you need the record;
Name of the father and the mother’s maiden name (for birth certificates);
Signature and printed name, and
Your mailing address and home phone number, in case we need to contact you.
Apostille for Rhode Island Death Certificate
There is no margin for error with the Authentication or Apostille process. If mistakes are made, both your time and money will be wasted and you'll have to start all over again. If you want to look into outsourcing this part of preparing to studying abroad to someone with experience, please email me at jared@apostillellc.com or call 848-467-7740 to request my services or learn more.