When you need to apostille a Kentucky death certificate, you will need to make sure to have a certified copy of the vital record beforehand. If you need to order one, your best bet is to go through the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services. Here's what their website says about obtaining one:
What It Is
The Office of Vital Statistics (OVS) has on file death records from 1911 to present day for deaths that occurred in Kentucky.
Death Certificate Purchases
For death certificate purchase methods, please visit our Certificate Purchase Options page.
Note: The Kentucky Office of Vital Statistics cannot by law, provide any information from records, perform a genealogical search or verify whether a certificate is on file without a completed application form and the required fee attached. The Kentucky Office of Vital Statistics will, upon receiving the application and fee, perform a search for the record. If the record is on file, a certified copy will be mailed to you. The fee is a search fee and no refunds are issued in instances where a certificate is not found within Kentucky's records. The Kentucky Office of Vital Statistics does not issue photocopies, faxed copies, non-certified copies or electronic copies of records.
Information Needed for Certificate Purchase
Full name of Kentucky decedent
The month, day and year of death
The county of death
Additional Information Needed:
Requestor's name and full mailing address where the certificate is to be mailed
Phone number (including area code) where you can be reached during the day from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern time
The number of copies being ordered
Enclose a check or money order payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer to cover the cost of each certificate ordered and mail to:
Office of Vital Statistics
275 East Main Street, 1E-A
Frankfort, KY 40621
Apostille for Kentucky Death Certificate
There is no margin for error with the Authentication or Apostille process. If mistakes are made, both your time and money will be wasted and you'll have to start all over again. If you want to look into outsourcing this part of preparing to studying abroad to someone with experience, please email me at jared@apostillellc.com or call 848-467-7740 to request my services or learn more.