When you need to apostille a Wyoming marriage certificate, you will need to make sure to have a certified copy of the vital record beforehand. If you need to order one, your best bet is to go through the Wyoming Department of Health. Here's what their website says about obtaining one:
This office is only able to issue certificates for those events that occurred in Wyoming. If the marriage or divorce didn’t occur in Wyoming, we can’t issue a record.
If your vital event occurred in another state, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “Where to Write” web page to find contact information for other states and territories
Marriage and Divorce Certificate Details
Marriage and divorce records may be obtained by:
Either party
Lawyer acting for either party
Required information:
Full names of applicant and spouse (husband, wife, or partner) including prior surname if applicable
Date of occurrence
City or county of occurrence
Signature of applicant or spouse (husband, wife, or partner) named on certificate
Mailing address where record is to be mailed
Identification: Requests must include a photocopy of the driver’s license, State ID card, or passport of the person requesting the certificate. We will also accept a notarized signature of the person making the request. The copy should be enlarged to make sure it is legible.
Important Notes:
The fee for obtaining marriage or divorce certificates is $25
If a record is not located, your $25 fee will be retained as a searching fee.
Marriage and divorce records since May 1941 are on file. Previous records must be obtained from the county clerk where the license was issued.
Records that are over 50 years old should be obtained from Wyoming State Archives.
Payment and Expediting Requests
Requests should be submitted along with the fee. Money orders or a bank-personalized check from the person making the request should be made payable to Vital Statistics Services. Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope with the request. All personal checks are only accepted when:
The requestor is entitled to the record and
The check is bank-personalized and on the account of the person making the request
Third-party or non-bank personalized checks will not be processed.
Requests can be sent to Vital Statistics Services by any overnight delivery service. If you wish to have your certificates returned by means other than first class mail, please supply us with a Pre-Paid, self-addressed envelope for FedEx, UPS, or US Postal express mail. Both FedEx and UPS envelopes will be required to have a FedEx or UPS Account Number listed on the label and should list your address as both the sender and the addressee. We cannot accept labels that have a credit card number listed, these requests will be sent out First Class mail if received.
We will process all requests as quickly as possible, but be aware it can take up to five business days for a request to be processed.
Send to: Vital Statistics Services 2300 Capitol Avenue Hathaway Building Cheyenne, WY 82002 (307) 777-7591
Apostille for Wyoming Marriage Certificate When you are in the United States and you need to conduct this sort of business internationally, an apostille most likely will be required. There is no margin for error with the authentication or apostille process. If mistakes are made, both your time and money will be wasted and you'll have to start all over again. If you want to look into outsourcing this part of the process, please email me at jared@apostillellc.com or call 848-467-7740 to request my services or learn more.